According to the latest Nation Pet Survey, Americans own 83 million dogs. Over the 46 percent American household have at least one dog.
The traits that make dogs
excellent pets also qualify them as a valuable service animal for the disabled
and therapists for hospital patients, autistic children and traumatized
veterans. While some dogs perform serious tasks and demonstrating their
obedience, agility and good looks at dogs shows and competitions.
All dogs are descended from wolves
that were domesticated about 15,000
years ago. For thousands of years , dogs were bred fpr certain skills, such as
flushing out and retrieving game for hunters or killing rodents. But in the
late 1800s, people began breeding
primarily for appearance and relatively few generations, developed
completely new breeds. Thanks to human tinkering with canine DNA, dogs now
exhibit the greatest variation in size and appearance of any animal.
For 21 years, the Labrador retriever has remained top dog in the United States. Although the beagle, bulldog
and Rottweiler have moved up in popularity. While some breeds such as Yorkshire
terriers and dachshunds are perennial favorites. Americans generally prefer
larger dogs. According to American kennel Club registrations in 2013, the 10
most popular breeds were:
1. Labrador
2. German
3. Golden retriever
4. Beagle
5. Bulldog
6. Yorkshire
7. Boxer
8. Poodle
9. Rottweiler
10. Dachshund
addition to these standard breeds, designer dog breeds or hybrid dogs
are trend in the United States. New breed combinations such as
labradoodles(Labrador retriever and poodle), cockapoos (cocker spaniel and poodle) and puggles (pug and
beagle) are high demand.
With their superior sense of small
and hearing and their eagerness to please, dogs are well-suited to a variety of
important task, such as sniffing out drugs, bombs, land mines and locating
victims of natural or man-made disasters. A group called Working dogs for
conservation trains dogs to follow the scents of elusive wildlife, locate
endangered species and indentify rare or invasive plants.
Dogs provide emotional benefits as
well. People with animal companions tend to be less lonely and to have higher
self-esteem. Some psychologists maintain that the benefits people gain from
interactions with pets can be equal to those from friendship with another
Although so-called seeing-eye dogs
trained to guide the visually impaired are the best known service animals. Dogs
also provide various kinds of
Hearing dogs alter people who are
deaf or hearing impaired to important sounds such as doorbells, smoke alarm,
telephones and alarm clocks.
Mobility assistance dogs aid the
physically disabled by picking up object , opening doors and operating light
Medical response dogs can carry
life support equipment, such as oxygen
tank and warn people about certain medical situations before they occur.
Autism service dogs can accompany
autistic children to school, where they provide a calming influence and a focus for the child that promotes better
interaction with classmates.
Psychiatric service dogs aid
people with condition such as schizophrenia, the dog can guide a person who becomes disoriented, retrieve medication,
interrupt repetitive obsessive behavior .
All type of assistance dogs
typically wear vests indentifying them as service animals. Under the American with Disabilities act, service
animals are allowed to go any where the public goes, including business,
restaurants, theaters and transit systems.